A total of 133 anglers participated in the Riverside Café / Vero Tackle Inshore Fishing Tournament on Saturday. But no one won as big as Wayne Messer.
Messer took home a $1,000 payout for catching a slam of trout, redfish and flounder, which weighed in at 10 pounds, beating out Bruddy Tyson's slam of 9 1/2 pounds.
Most of the big trout were caught early in the morning on topwater plugs. Derek Seiger won $750 in the trout division, finishing first with a weight of 7 1/2 pounds. Mike Olvey won the redfish division and $750, with a fish weighing in at 6.6 pounds.
Colin Willis won the junior angler slam, catching a ladyfish (.85 pounds), a jack (1.3 pounds) and a sheephead (2.05 pounds) to win a rod, reel, cast net and $100. Cody Ward won a rod and a reel in the junior division as well.