My wife and I were invited by our friends Ted and Lynn Leonsis to a private screening of their new movie/documentary entitled Nanking. Ted served as the inspiration and the Executive Producer.
It's a powerful, emotional and relevant reminder of the heartbreaking toll war takes on the innocent, Nanking tells the story of the Japanese invasion of Nanking, China, in the early days of World War II. As part of a campaign to conquer all of China, the Japanese subjected Nanking – which was then China’s capital – to months of aerial bombardment, and when the city fell, the Japanese army unleashed murder and rape on a horrifying scale. In the midst of the rampage, a small group of Westerners banded together to establish a Safety Zone where over 200,000 Chinese found refuge. Unarmed, these missionaries, university professors, doctors and businessmen – including a Nazi named John Rabe – bored witness to the events, while risking their own lives to protect civilians from slaughter.
Often refered to as the forgotten Holocaust this film will certainly move you and promte many question of how thses atrosites could have happened. It is a must seen film.
For more information visit http://nankingthefilm.com/.
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